Examination timetables will be available to download below when available. Internal examination and mock timetables will also appear here in advance of those sessions. If you require further information, please contact the individual subject teachers.
Schedule of Exams 2024-25
Details of both internal and public exams for 2025:
Public Exams
Summer 2025 External Exam Timetable
Internal Exams
Summer timetable to be published in due course
Study Leave
At Shiplake College, there is no formal period of study leave and it is expected that all pupils will attend College throughout the exam season. External invigilators manage all public examinations in the summer term, allowing for a full academic programme of lessons throughout the exam season. This approach affords all pupils structure and support for their revision.
Non-Examinable Assessments/Coursework - Deadlines and Appeals
A number of our A-level and GCSE subjects still include submitted Non-Examinable Assessments (NEAs), otherwise known as coursework. The submission deadline dates for individual subjects will be communicated by respective Heads of Department.
In keeping with updated Joint Council for Qualifications regulations, pupils are entitled to formally appeal the result of their internally marked NEA, providing they can provide clear evidence for such an appeal. Details of the process and costs are outlined in the letter below and the relevant application form is available by contacting College Reception ([email protected]).
NEA Appeals Policy