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Shiplake College News

A Conversation With... Reverend Becky Medlicott

We chat to our new School Chaplain, Reverend Becky Medlicott, in this week's 'A Conversation With...'! Our new 'Rev' joined the College at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year and in this feature, we learn more about her role here at Shiplake, how school life differs to parish life, as well as more about the College's upcoming Whole School Sponsored Walk! 

What is your role and how long have you been at Shiplake?  

I am the new school Chaplain at Shiplake College. I started my role here at the end of August, so it is all still very new. 

What were you doing before working at the College? 

Before coming to work at Shiplake College, I was completing my curacy at All Saints Church in Wokingham. 

How does your role differ working in a school setting? 

Parish life is quite different to school life. For starters, all the pupils must be at school while in parish, no one had to be at church. The age demographic is quite different too. In my role at All Saints Church, I did get involved in work in local schools, but I was normally going into schools for short periods of time to deliver something specific. However, being at Shiplake as the school chaplain gives me an opportunity to become fully immersed in the life of the school and to really get to know people within it.  I do love that I no longer need to work every weekend as well which gives me time to spend with my family and time to go to church services that I really want to go to, rather than those I must go to.  

What is a day in the life like for you at the College? 

No two days are the same - although each day begins with either the Whole School Assembly or a chapel service which I need to prepare for and lead. I have been given a blank slate as far as what I do at the school and so for this term, I am spending time getting to know the school and getting the know the people. I have popped into lessons, joined in with some fitness training, chatted to various staff in corridors and the SCR, sought to support the pastoral leads, covered a few lessons, and found ways to spend time with the students. I have been making a concerted effort to visit all the houses during break times and to have lunch with some of the students. As a priest and chaplain, part of my role is also to pray, and so I spend time each day praying for the wellbeing of all at the school and success for the school in all its endeavours. 

Can you tell us please about some upcoming initiatives/events that you are looking forward to? 

I am very much looking forward to the sponsored walk taking place on Friday 27 September. The walk is to raise money for the amazing work of Gap Africa, a charity born out of a Shiplake College Expedition Society trip to Kenya in 1994. The charity works to provide education for over 7500 young people in Kenya; schools have been built, wells have been bored, and teachers supported through the charity. The money raised by us on the sponsored walk will also go towards sponsoring secondary school education for 8 pupils as well as the ongoing work in building a new secondary school and boring a new well for the school. I am really looking forward to spending the day walking with the Shiplake College pupils as it will be a fantastic opportunity to build the school community and get to know the pupils better. 

What do you do outside of work? 

I have a small business as a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer so some of my time outside of school is taken up with teaching classes and delivering individual personal training sessions. I love exercising myself, and I enjoy regularly attending CrossFit with my 14 year old daughter and running. My husband has recently been ordained as a vicar, so I also spend some time supporting him in his role as Curate at St Michael's in Bray - I am waiting for him to get an invitation to The Waterside. I have two energetic cocker spaniels who keep me doing lots of walking and when I need to rest a bit I love reading. 

What does the future hold for you? 

I am really looking forward to getting stuck into the life of Shiplake College, and I really hope that I can find many ways in which I can be of service to the school, the staff, the pupils and the parents. My hope is to see everyone who comes here flourish and fulfil their own unique potential.