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Shiplake College News

A Conversation With...Miss Ella Povey

In the final 'A Conversation With...' feature of the half-term, we chat to another new member of the English Department. Miss Ella Povey joined us at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year and as well as talking rugby, we find out about how a gap year inspired Miss Povey to pursue a career in teaching!

What is your role and how long have you been at Shiplake? 

I am a Teacher of English teaching KS3 and GCSE literature and language. I am also a tutor for Year 9, and I'm currently involved in coaching Year 10 rugby. I joined Shiplake in September 2024, and I am amazed how fast time has gone so far! 

What were you doing before working at the College? 

I worked for six years at Reading College as an English GCSE teacher and an English Speaker of Other Languages (ESOL) Teacher. I was also a Teaching, Learning & Assessment Lead Practitioner, helping support other teachers develop the practice. 

What inspired you to get into teaching? 

Before I went to university, I took a gap year where I travelled to Cambodia and volunteered as a teacher for two months in a slum school in Phnom Penh. This was one of the most eye opening, challenging and fantastic experiences I could have had at that age. I discovered my love for teaching and for supporting students who face challenges, or who may not find learning the easiest thing to do. 

How has your first term been at Shiplake? 

Fantastic! I have felt welcomed by colleagues and students and feel really happy to be a part of this community. While there have been a lot of new systems, routines and content to learn, I feel settled and supported at Shiplake. I also still can’t get used to the beautiful setting we are surrounded by. I’ve even had the opportunity to take two Year 13 girls to observe the Black Ferns train and meet them after! 

What is a day in the life like for you? 

I wake up early and go to the gym before going to school where I shower, have breakfast and then a minute to myself at my desk. I catch up with emails and check my lesson resources for my day before jumping into lessons. Depending on the day, in the afternoon I may finish off with rugby coaching or with duties in my house Skipwith. 

What do you do outside of work? 

As most of the students already know if I am their teacher, I love rugby! There is plenty of rugby paraphernalia in my classroom. I play for Reading Ladies where I have also been appointed the Captain for this year. I love the community and the family that comes along with rugby, as well as the cathartic nature of a contact sport. I am also into CrossFit and weightlifting, attending early morning sessions throughout the week. It’s not all gym and rugby though. I love to spend my weekends with my friends and family and when I am able to, during holidays travelling to exciting countries. My most recent trip took me to Borneo, Bali and New Zealand. 

Will we potentially see your passion for rugby lead to a girls' rugby team in the future? 

I would love to be involved in helping to support girl’s rugby develop at Shiplake. It is so important girls have exposure to a variety of sports. I joined rugby late in my life at university, and I wish I could have participated in rugby as a child at school. 

What does the future hold for Miss Povey? 

Positive and exciting new experiences, I hope! I look forward to throwing myself into Shiplake and navigating my first full year here. I am excited to sing in the teacher/student choir at the Christmas service and I hope to support girls’ rugby moving forward into the next academic year.