Shiplake has a number of policies which are regularly reviewed. The most important of these can be found below. A full list of College policies is available on request from the School Office, as are hard copies of individual policies or inspection reports. All policies and documents are reviewed annually. This annual review is to be completed by 31 October each new academic year.
Leave of Absence
Parents/guardians should use the iSAMS Parent Portal to request planned Leave of Absence during term time (including any Saturdays when pupils would be expected such as sports fixtures/training or open mornings). The 'Leave Request' page can be found on the Parent Portal as one of the main menu options. This form must be submitted at least seven days in advance of any planned absence from school. You will receive an email confirmation of the request being made and then an email stating whether or not the request has been approved in due course. Please contact the Data Manager, Mrs Hanna Edimoh, if you have any issues accessing the Parent Portal ([email protected]). If your child will be absent from school unexpectedly, ie for illness, please email his or her Housemaster and Matron directly.
If pupils have an appointment and need to leave school, parents should contact the Housemaster in advance by email. If a pupil leaves before 4.30pm they must sign out at Reception and sign in upon their return. After this time they are expected to sign out with the Duty Tutor. Boarders must report to the Duty Tutor before leaving the house between 6.45pm and 9.00pm. Pupils must sign out after that time and report back in on their return.
Leave Request Form
Pupil Parking
As outlined in the Parent Handbook, please note that due to limited number of car parking spaces onsite, only pupils in Year 13 are allowed the privilege of driving to the College. Prior permission must be sought from the Head of Sixth Form using the car parking rules and agreement form available below.
Car Parking Permission Form
Policies (School Rules)
Parent Contract (Terms and Conditions)
Behaviour, Discipline and Rewards Policy
Pupil Code of Conduct (and Out of Bounds Areas)
Other Policies
Access Arrangements
Access Arrangements Guidelines
Accessibility Policy and Action Plan
Admissions Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Anti-Cyber Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy
Boarding Aims and Principles
CCTV Policy
College Aims, Ethos and Mission Statement
Complaints Procedure
Concussion and Graduated Return to Sport (GRS) Policy
Curriculum Policy
Dog and Pets Policy
Drugs and Mind-Altering Substances and Anti-Smoking Policies
EAL Pupil Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy (Pupils)
Fire Safety Policy
First Aid Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Mobile Phone Policy
Parent Code of Conduct
Parent-Staff Communications
Privacy Notice
Promoting Fundamental British Values
Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Saturday Attendance Policy
Safeguarding Policy
SEND Policy
Social Networking Policy for Pupils
Word Processing Policy
If you require a hard copy of any of these policies, please email [email protected].