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Shiplake College News

Chapel Wardens 2023-2024

In Monday’s Whole School Assembly, the new Chapel Wardens for 2023-2024 were announced, with all of them receiving their ties and pins from the outgoing Head and Deputy Head Chapel Wardens, Harrison Harper and Charlotte Garnett

The Chapel Wardens team have two main functions under the leadership of the Head and Deputy Head Chapel Wardens. The first is to assist the Chaplain in the organisation of Chapel services throughout the year, and this includes inviting members of different houses to read and take part in services. 

The second main part of their role is pastoral. They are chosen as particularly kind and caring individuals who look after the wellbeing of members of their own houses. 

Our new Head Chapel Warden, Lara Vahlé and Deputy Head Chapel Warden, Johannes Meiswinkel will be supported across the houses by the team below. Congratulations to the following pupils: 

  • Burr: Callan Wallis, Emily Banks 
  • Everett: Alex Tang, Zac Wilson, Sophie Hodges  
  • Orchard: F Stewart, Will Diver, S Bathe-Taylor 
  • Skipwith: Jacob Read, M Hordern, Alice Spooner 
  • Welsh: Ollie Joiner, Evan Thomas, Cristina Baxter
  • College: Harrison Walton, Josh Purbrick 
  • Gilson: Emily Flower, Sophia Foreman  
  • Lower School: Grace Weedon (Head of Lower School Chapel Wardens), Max Dag, Emily Morris, Lucy Price 
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