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Shiplake College News

Henley Festival Ruby Lounge Art

The Henley Festival 2022 takes place this week and Shiplake College is delighted to be a Ruby sponsor, in celebration of its 40th Anniversary. The Festival is a unique black-tie event which takes place over five days on the site of the Henley Regatta enclosures by the river. It celebrates music and arts, with a vibrant programme of music from across the genres (this year includes The Script, Craig David, Tom Jones, Pete Tong, Katherine Jenkins and Jack Saverotti!) as well as comedy tents, roving troupe, art galleries and sculptures alongside food and drink, a great atmosphere, not to mention a fireworks display each night.

As part of the Festival's commitment to supporting young, emerging talent and local charities, Shiplake was delighted to partner with the Festival and be commissioned to provide the decoration of the Ruby Sponsors lounge itself, where representatives from the various sponsors can visit for an exclusive bar and seating area.

In just a few weeks after completing their art coursework, Year 12 art students Tom Boxley and Summer Reid both produced Henley and ruby-themed artwork especially for the occasion. Summer painted a brightly-coloured scene in acrylic of Henley town centre, capturing St Mary's Church and other recognisable shops and restaurants. Tom produced an impressive ruby-washed painting in bleach of rowers racing past Temple Island (and if you look closely you can see one is a Shiplake crew!). Also on display were two photographs by Year 13 student Merry Oakes, taken using ultra violet light.

Head of Art, Keli Thomas, said: "This is such an amazing opportunity to showcase some of our Shiplake talent and to have artwork on display at such a prestigious event where the festival's own visual arts programme includes selection of works from renowned artists and sculptors. Well done Tom, Summer and Merry."

Flickr album: Henley Festival Art for Ruby Lounge | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin