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Shiplake College News

Exploring the Island of Sicily

At the end of the Summer Term, 42 GCSE geography pupils travelled to Sicily, Italy, for an unforgettable trip. Faced with adversities – including the eruption of Mount Etna, flight delays and cancellations – this did not stop this young group of pupils from enjoying all that Sicily has to offer! 

Sicily contains a hive of thrilling geography which can show pupils so much of what they study in their first year as GCSE pupils. From Europe’s largest active volcano – Mount Etna – to river gorges and coastal landforms; there is hardly any aspect of geography that is studied which cannot be found on this Italian island. 

Lead organiser of the trip was Teacher of Geography Mr Burrows who writes: 

You may have seen in the news that Mount Etna has once again erupted and little over five weeks ago almost to the day, we were at the summit! Our GCSE geography students travelled to Sicily and experienced a wide range of geography from hiking volcanoes to gorge walking and leaping off waterfalls, to some stunning coastal landforms - as well as a lot of pizza of course. 

We saw so much that the GCSE students are going to be able to use as part of their studies, such as how the local authority in Sicily monitors Mount Etna to ensure public safety and why residents live there in the first place. 

Throughout the entire trip, the Year 10 geographers were exemplary and did Shiplake College proud. The other teachers and I on the trip could not have been more impressed by how they conducted themselves and how respectful they were to our tour guides and hotel staff; all of whom said that Shiplake were one of the best groups they had ever had! 

Flickr album: GCSE Geography Sicily Trip, June 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin