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Shiplake College News

Sports Report 19 September 2023
Sports Report

This week's Sports Report includes the latest rugby news following block fixtures against The Oratory School. We also catch up with Lower School as the U13s kicked off their season with a rugby festival at Dragon School. And finally, we celebrate individual sporting success as we report on Year 10 pupil Zac Fisher and his achievements in tennis and dance.


1st XV vs The Oratory School 

The 1st XV were unable to overcome four missing starters and a shock injury at the start of their fixture on Saturday and ultimately lost out to a physical Oratory 1st XV. There is work to be done this week on matching the opposition’s intensity and not allowing them to dictate the pace of the game. After a positive first week followed by a let-down this week, the boys have reflected and are eager to bounce back this week as they face Windsor at home on Saturday 23 September. 

Final score: Shiplake College 0-52 The Oratory School 
Coach: Mr Edwards 

2nd XV vs The Oratory School 

In an exhilarating match between Shiplake’s 2nd XV and The Oratory, both teams showed some great attacking and tackling skills throughout the game. O Perkins showed exceptional kicking prowess, while F Partridge's relentless running was a highlight of the match. 

Despite being behind for most of the game, the Shiplake 2nd XV displayed remarkable resilience and determination. Their never-give-up attitude paid off when J Biggin threw a lovely 20 metre pass to allow A Kimyani to score in the corner in the last play of the game, securing a thrilling victory for the mighty 2s. It was a match filled with intense moments and a testament to the team's fighting spirit. 

Final score: Shiplake College 17-15 The Oratory School 
Coaches: Mr Wheeler & Mr Wozencroft 

U16B vs The Oratory School 

After our first game of the season was cancelled, the U16s couldn't wait to get their boots back on and play their first game of rugby for the 2023 season. After a positive week in training, our lads were ready to face The Oratory School at home on a warm Saturday morning. It was great to have parents and family members back on the touchline supporting their boys and the match did not disappoint.   

Unexpectedly, The Oratory took the lead with an early try, after a nice passage of play, asking questions of the U16s’ character and resolve. Shortly after, our boys provided all the answers we could have asked for, with L Moore scoring our first try and C Nash-Steer cooly converting. 

With the bit between our teeth, E Iu picked the ball up inside our own half and was able to penetrate a gap out wide with an explosive run to put Shiplake ahead. From there on, Shiplake looked comfortable with a notable performance from club captain O Beaney who, as always, led by example with his fearless tackling, outstanding leadership and clear communication. S Pickering, whose power and pace proved difficult to stop, B Demery, our number 9, distributed the ball well from rucks and often spotted gaps in the opposition defence, eventually allowing M Taylor-FitzGibbon to take the game away from The Oratory with two impressive tries. The U16 squad showed a positive attitude and togetherness and as this continues, I am certain we will have an excellent season.   

Final score: Shiplake College 26-12 The Oratory School 
Man of the Match: M Taylor-FitzGibbon
Coaches: Mr Heaney & Mr Lawson 

U15B vs The Oratory School 

A brilliant team performance, with tries coming from all over the pitch. A Prosser impressed in the centre, scoring a hat-trick and constantly posing a threat. O Wright and E Miot got through a lot of work in the loose allowing the backs to get the ball wide. Try of the match came from L Hilton kicking into space for J Zacharias to collect, before scoring in the corner. 

Final score: Shiplake College 54-5 The Oratory School 
Coaches: Mr Miller & Mr C Gingell 

U14A vs The Oratory School 

A dominant display from the Shiplake forwards, supported by some staunch tackling from E Tavinor, got Shiplake off to a good start against The Oratory leading 26-0 by half-time. The Oratory rallied in the second half with two tries, but tries from O Woodward, H Webb and S Crisford sealed the win. With players playing out of position at times, it was fabulous to watch the team pull together and put in an impressive performance. 

Final score: Shiplake College 41-12 The Oratory School 
Coaches: Mr Bradley & Mr Gower 

U14B vs The Oratory School 

An excellent performance from the U14Bs with a very cohesive team effort. Learning the lessons from last week’s matches, we moved the ball well with short passes and the forwards and backs combining. Shiplake raced into a commanding half-time lead with tries from S Cripps (2), Z Sanders and J Pearson. O Thomas added three conversions. Shiplake made several changes at half-time as we tried various new players in various positions. The Oratory also came back strongly in the second half scoring two good tries, but S Lee added a late try to make the final score even more resounding. 

Final score: Shiplake College 41-10 The Oratory School  
Coaches: Mr Jones & Mr B Gingell 

U13A, Dragon School Rugby Festival

The U13A team had a fantastic day out at the Dragon School Rugby Festival. We played four matches all of a really competitive and balanced level with a great deal of learning. The first match was won 3-2 against Bedford B and our new Year 8 pupil, G Huckle, showed that despite learning his trade in Luxembourg, he is a fine talent and one to watch! Against Dragon School, we came back from a couple of tries down to finish 3-3 with O Thorpe also shining very brightly. We ran away 5-3 winners against Abingdon Prep, but our hardest and final game was against St Hugh’s where we lost but never gave up. Overall, an incredible amount of development for all involved, a great day, and a competition we would certainly want to be at again next year!

Coach: Mr Crisford

Tennis & Dance

While our tennis season may have ended, for Year 10 pupil Zac Fisher, it hadn't. In tennis, Zac came runner up in the U18 Shiplake Tennis Club Singles finals on Sunday 10 September. It was a tight match ending with a Championship tiebreak which Zac lost by just 4 points (6-1, 3-6, 10-6). Not to be deterred however, Zac and his doubles partner went on to win (6-2 6-0) the U18 doubles final! 

And over the summer, on the weekend of 7 and 8 July, Zac participated in the NATD Medallist Finals at the Winter Gardens Ballroom in Blackpool with the County School of Dance. Zac achieved 1st place in both his Ballroom and Latin gold level solos (Waltz & Cha Cha), and with his partner, placed 2nd and 3rd in Ballroom (Foxtrot and Quickstep) and in Latin 1st and 2nd (Samba and Rumba). 

Well done Zac! 

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