Whole School Open Events
Open mornings begin with presentations from senior staff and pupils and include a tour of the College with opportunities to speak with staff and pupils in every department and facility. These events start at 9.00am and we would expect your visit to be concluded by midday. Confirmation of exact timings will be sent to attendees shortly before the event.
Whole School Open Event on Saturday 22 March 2025 - Booking Form
Whole School Open Event on Saturday 20 September 2025 - Booking Form
Sixth Form Open Event
These events also run from 9.00am until midday but are geared specifically towards prospective sixth formers to attend just before the application deadline.
Sixth Form Open Event on 11 October 2025 - Booking Form
We host regular Headmaster's lunch events where you can join a small number of other parents for lunch with the Headmaster and other senior staff and then have a tour of the College. Events start promptly at midday and are usually finished by around 1.30pm. Bookings are taken on a first come, first served basis and these events have proved very popular.
Headmaster's Lunch: Parents of pupils looking for Year 7 2026 entry
Headmaster's Lunch: Parents of pupils looking for Year 9 2026 entry
If you are interested in joining the waiting list for one of these events then please email Mrs Young.
After attending an Open Event, you may wish to see the school in operation on a week day and/or to talk to senior staff in more detail. Please contact the Admissions Team to discuss your requirements and arrange a suitable date. Telephone 0118 970 4764 or email [email protected]
The College holds free taster events and workshops for pupils considering joining Shiplake. Pupils need not be formally registered with us in order to book onto one of these days. Booking forms will be available on this page as dates are confirmed.
Taster Days: Year 7 2026
Taster Days begin with a welcome from the Headmaster at 10.30am and consist of three lessons and a sports session. Lunch and snacks are provided.
'Experience Shiplake' Taster Afternoon: Year 9 2027 (for girls and boys in Year 6)
From 4.15pm until approximately 6.45pm and aimed at prospective pupils and their parents
This is an exciting opportunity for pupils to participate in a carousel of taster lessons. Parents will hear from key members of staff about life at Shiplake, engage in a Q&A session and have a guided tour of the College.
The event will end with hot-dogs for the pupils and refreshments for the adults. Places are strictly limited.
'Experience Rowing': Year 12 2026
Girl and boy rowers who want to take their rowing to the next level and are considering Shiplake College for Year 12 in 2026 are invited to an 'Experience Rowing at Shiplake' afternoon. In addition to training in the College's boathouse facility (The Davies Centre) and on the stretch of the River Thames that the College overlooks, participants will have a tour of the School, hear more about how rowing fits into the school day and also have the opportunity to ask any scholarship-related questions.
- June 2025 - Exact date TBC
Should your chosen event be fully booked, please email Mrs Hayley Young to be added to the waiting list.
We have a number of videos and tours available below to give you a flavour of the College, its people and environment from the comfort of your own home:
We think that Shiplake College is a special place, but why not find out what parents of our current pupils think?
The Admissions Team can put you in touch with other parents to ask the questions you might not feel right asking us or just to find out more about their experience of the school. Email [email protected].