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Welsh House is located at the top of the main drive adjacent to the College entrance, providing a home for around 50 pupils. Welsh currently accommodates weekly and flexi-boarders.

Set away from the main teaching areas, the House has a peaceful setting that gives its residents a feeling of leaving College at the end of each day even though they remain on site. Welsh pupils are a tight-knit, happy and prosperous community, who enjoy spending time together as well as integrating with the rest of the College.

The House has two spacious common rooms where pupils like to spend their break times during the day. The large House kitchen always provides a regular supply of toast, which is ranked alongside gas and electricity in terms of importance to keep the House going! There are also computing facilities and a games room with a pool table and table football. A tennis court adjoins the House garden, where gatherings and barbecues are held. Pupils generally share bedrooms and study rooms in Years 9-11, but single rooms are usually available for boys that are more senior.

House staff ensure Welsh House provides a welcoming environment for its pupils, where they feel comfortable, happy and able to make the most of all the opportunities offered to them at Shiplake. House tutors closely monitor the personal development and academic progress of all boys, helping to ensure their experience at College is wholly positive.

Housemaster: Mr Bob Jones

Mr Jones joined Shiplake as Welsh Housemaster and teacher of mathematics in January 2023. He lives in Cedar Cottage, next to the boarding house, with his wife Lauren, their two children Savannah and Ethan and their labrador, Indiana. 

Mr Jones enjoys all outdoor activities including kayaking, canoeing, SUP, indoor climbing, mountain biking, swimming and Duke of Edinburgh.

Deputy Housemaster: Mrs Sally Bayley

Mrs Sally Bayley joined Shiplake in June 2017 as Head of the Thinking Space. She is married to Tom and is the mum of Max (13), Poppy (7), Bear the Border Collie (4) and Skinnee the cat (15).

Mrs Bayley returned to teaching Business Studies full time in April 2020 and has been the Boarding Activities Co-ordinator since September 2021. She has been a tutor in Burr since 2020 and will be joining Welsh as Deputy Housemaster in September 2024.

When Mrs Bayley isn’t in house or the business studies classroom, she is part of the outdoor education team, running kayaking and archery sessions, and going on exciting Gold DofE expeditions.

House Pastoral Leader: Mrs Lynne Fairbairn

Mrs Fairbairn has been Welsh House Pastoral Leader since 2012, and enjoys caring for all pupils.

Mrs Fairbairn offers encouragement and a confidential ear to any problems. She also acts as ‘action woman’ when something needs attention and liaises with tutors, the medical team and parents; she organises social events in house twice a week. Best of all she provides a happy, friendly home for the boys in Welsh House!

Mrs Fairbairn is a mother of three and lives in Welsh House with her West Highland Terrier Bella, who has become the unofficial Welsh House pet.

Welsh House Tutors
Dr Liz Chare
Ms Sarah Krause
Art and Photography
Mr Charlie Pettifer
Mr Sam Shaw
Mrs Marcy Hanlon
Outdoor Education
Name Number Address
Mr Bob Jones
0118 940 5209
Assistant Housemaster
Mrs Sally Bayley
Mrs Lynne Fairbairn
0118 970 4774
Duty Tutor 0118 940 5209
7.00pm-11.00pm only
House Address   Welsh House, Shiplake College, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, RG9 4BW
Medical Centre 0118 940 5233
Reception 0118 940 2455
School Office 0118 940 2455
Bursar 0118 940 5202
Billing 0118 940 5201

Please note that the College Management Information System is expected to hold current contact information for parents and guardians, including address, home and mobile telephone numbers and email.

If your information changes during the year, please inform the Housemaster and the College Office, as soon as possible.

Mobile telephone numbers for all pupils will be held by the Housemaster.