Here is an excerpt from the 1693 edition of The Court Magazine about the annual ACF camp.

The College's Cadet Force, formed in 1961, was described in an earlier edition of The Court magazine as:
“A detachment of the Army Cadet Force affiliated to the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Our ultimate aim is to form a Detachment of the Combined Cadet Force, but all Schools have first to complete two years satisfactory service in the Army Cadet Force. The object of the ACF is to give mental, moral and physical training to boys and so to form the characters of each to enable him to start well in life, and to develop in him the principles of patriotism and good citizenship. Thus will be brought out qualities of self-confidence, self-respect and ability to face and accept responsibility with the power to control himself and others.”
Photographs from the summer trip were also taken, which are included in an album of photographs that covers 1960-1972:

The album also includes photos from the school's drama performance of Ring Round the Moon, a review of which is also in The Court magazine from that year. Does anyone remember being a member of the cast?

1963 was also the year that the sixth form opened and the first boys started studying for A Levels at Shiplake. In September 1963, John Eggar took over as Headmaster.
The Old Viking Society also produced their first 'circular', distributed in October 1963, written from the OVS Secretary Alasdair Barron. This included the rules of the society and the minutes of the first Annual General Meeting, a report on the Founder's Day, notice that the Old Viking ties had arrived and a challenge from the school's rugby football team for a match vs the OVS on Sunday 15 December - does anyone recall what the result was?