Our first prospectus from 1960, slightly more basic than our immersive virtual reality 360 video experience available today!
Mr David Skipwith is now Headmaster (our founding Headmaster, Mr Everett, left to start a new life in America at the end of the the second term). There are just 12 teachers, three members of pastoral staff and the Bursar is the only member of administrative support!

Fees back in 1960 were 130 guineas a term, that’s around £136.50 in today’s money.
The aims of the school reflect the all-round education that we still provide today, with an emphasis on developing character and offering a range of co-curricular activities for pupils to find at least one interest outside the classroom. Classes were limited to 16.
"Our aim is to provide a full and balanced education over the transition period from boyhood to young manhood and to encourage, by example as well as by precept, the qualities of clear vision, independent judgment, good manners and integrity. We aim to develop a boy's mind by encouraging his natural interest and curiosity in the classroom; to develop his body through the pleasure of practising a game or sport in the field; and to develop his social poise, confidence and independence by letting him take part in a society or hobby of his own choice."