The rebuilding of Everett House started on 25 June 1991, as boys left for the end of term, so the builders moved in.

The opening ceremony was on 27 September 1992... the builders had only moved out on Friday 25th!
Shiplake College really was physically becoming more and more recognisable as the school we see today.

Shiplake College Whole School 1992
We just had to share this headline about Shiplake’s 1992 performance during Henley Royal Regatta, published in The Independent.

According to Hans Wells Furby’s Wish and Fulfilment:
The Princess Elizabeth Cup in 1992 ought to have been the perfect climax to several years of rowing endeavour. Our first appearance in a Henley Regatta final was only three summers earlier and the cox, Guy Jackson, survived from that crew. Several of the VIII had been in a successful First XV during the previous autumn - eight were selected for Oxfordshire Schools - and they were physically powerful. The average weight of the crew was thirteen stone and seven pounds and Caspar Ouvaroff, at sixteen stone, nine pounds, was then the heaviest schoolboy to appear in the Princess Elizabeth Cup. With two successes at Marlow just before the end of term. The newspaper headline: 'Shiplake pin Eton to the Canvas' emphasised a great success in eliminating the current holders of the 'P.E. Cup'. Instead of holding our rivals over the first half of the course before our main challenge, we took an early lead and just kept it. We met Westminster in the semi-finals; they had eliminated Hampton - this time it was our opponents' early lead that just survived to the finish. Our Thameside rivals, Pangbourne, won the final.
Also in 1992:
- Shiplake College produced its next Olympian, as Ben Hunt-Davies competed in the Summer Olympics in Barcelona.
- Shiplake's first candidates sat GCSE Business Studies.
- The Summer Expedition was in Kenya.
- In December, the Sports Hall became a rowing showcase as it hosted the British Indoor Rowing Championships
- Members of the Old Viking Society celebrated 30 years since the OVS began, with an Old Vikings Day. The programme for the day is available in our online archive.