The Shiplake 7 Co-Curricular Award is a way in which Year 9 pupils can achieve excellence in and recognition for their academic and co-curricular contribution to the College through the values set out by the Shiplake 7.
Every pupil over the course of the year must try to complete a task which fits in with each of the Shiplake 7. The aim is to include a range of activities; academic, sporting, music, drama, outdoor education, artistic/creative or a hobby from inside and outside of school.
Pupils are awarded one of four levels upon completion, each one requiring a certain number of points to be earned. Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award, Pass
The award is monitored by the tutor and the Housemaster and overseen by the Master i/c of the Co-Curricular Award.
Full details of the award and examples of ways in which students can complete the award and accumulate points are given in the document below. However, this list is not exhaustive and a tutor/teacher/Housemaster can award points for other challenges and achievements. Pupils and parents are also encouraged to let Mr Lawson or the pupil's tutor know of any task/activity they have undertaken and feel warrants recognition and, if approved, points can be accrued in this way too.
In order to complete the award a pupil must have accumulated at least three points from each Shiplake 7 value to be awarded their Co-Curricular certificate.
Each pupil will be issued with a record book which can be assessed by staff to monitor. It is the pupil’s responsibility to complete the document each time they achieve a challenge and are awarded a point/points. Termly progress will be charted for each pupil by the tutor, Housemaster and Master i/c of Co-Curricular Award.
Shiplake 7 Co-Curricular Award Booklet