Name |
Responsibility |
Qualifications |
Adam, Neil (Mr) |
Mathematics |
BA (Oxford), PGCE (Institute of Education, London) |
Batchelor, James (Mr) |
Science, Deputy Housemaster, Everett |
BSc (Exeter), GTP (Reading) |
Bayley, Sally (Mrs) |
Business, Boarding Activities Coordinator, Welsh Deputy Housemistress |
BA, PGCE (Stellenbosch), OTTP & QTS (Oxford Brookes) |
Beckett, Sam (Mr) |
Chemistry |
Bell, Lisa (Mrs) |
Learning Development (Part-Time) |
BA (Liverpool), PGCE (Leeds), OCR Cert & OCR Dip SpLD |
Bereiki, Bridget (Mrs) |
Mathematics |
BA (Princeton, USA), PGCE (Exeter), BSc (Open University) |
Bosomworth, George (Mr) |
History |
BA (Kent), PGCE (Canterbury Christ Church) |
Bradley, Dan (Mr) |
Director of Sport and Co-Curricular |
BSc (Brunel) |
Brahaj, Artiola (Mrs) |
Psychology (Part-Time) |
BSc (University of Crete), MSc Middlesex), BSc (Berlin University) |
Brett, Jemima (Miss) |
Geography |
BSc (Cardiff), PGCE (Bristol) |
Brooks, Jess (Mrs) |
Head of English |
BA (Plymouth), PGCE (UWE) |
Burrows, Jack (Mr) |
Geography, Head of Eco-Committee |
BSc, PGCE (Reading) |
Canning, Eoin (Mr) |
Graduate Sports Assistant and Geography |
Cartwright, Ben (Mr) |
Theology and Philosophy |
BA (Durham), PGCE with QTS (Winchester) |
Chare, Liz (Dr) |
Head of Science |
MA, DPhil (Oxon), PGCE (Bucks) |
Cochrane, Nicki (Miss) |
Physical Education |
BSc (Edinburgh), PGCE (Reading) |
Cooper, Jack (Mr) |
Head of Geography, Everett Housemaster |
BSc (Plymouth), PGCE (Exeter) |
Cox, Nikki (Mrs) |
Learning Development (Part-Time) |
BSc (Cardiff), PGCE (Cambridge) |
Coulehan, Judit (Mrs) |
Director of Learning Development |
BEd (Budapest, Hungary), CELTA (Cambridge), PGCE-SpLD/dyslexia (Oxford Brookes), PGCE-NASENDCo (Reading), APC (PATOSS) |
Crisford, Tom (Mr) |
Head of Lower School, Physical Education |
BSc (Southampton), GTP (Brunel) |
Crowe, Conor (Mr) |
Photography (Maternity Cover) |
Davies, Sian (Ms) |
Drama, Gilson Housemistress |
BA (Chichester), PGCE (Buckingham) |
Davis, Adie (Mr) |
Head of Mathematics |
BSc (Open University), Master of Teaching (UCL), PGCE (Warwick) |
Dix, Andrew (Mr) |
Assistant Head (Staff Development and Community Outreach), Mathematics |
BSc, PGCE (Loughborough) |
Dunn, Fiona (Mrs) |
Assistant Head Pastoral, Physical Education, Deputy DSL, Head of PSHEE |
BA, PGCE (Bedford College of Higher Education) |
Edwards, Robbie (Mr) |
Physical Education, Head of Rugby, Head of Athletic Development |
BSc (Bedfordshire), PGCE (Buckingham) |
Elliott, Jasper (Mr) |
Music, Orchard Deputy Housemaster, Music Administrator |
BA (Oxford Brookes), PGCE (Reading) |
Elliott, Sally (Mrs) |
Deputy Head (Pastoral), DSL, MFL |
BA (University College Wales), PGCE (Reading) |
Farrell, Emma (Mrs) |
Head of Drama, Assistant Head (Sixth Form) |
BA (Belfast), PGCE (Reading) |
Fuller, Liam (Mr) |
Head of Design, Engineering and Technology |
HND and BEd (University of West of England) |
Gower, Simon (Mr) |
Business Studies |
BA (Central Lancashire) |
Griffiths, Alice (Miss) |
Drama and Drama Technician |
BA (Middlesex) |
Guillaud, Rey (Mr) |
Burr Housemaster, MFL |
Licence d'anglais (University of Angers, France), PGCE (Oxford Brookes)
Hallam, Eleanor (Mrs) |
English (Part-Time) |
BA (Aberystwyth), PGCE (Cantab) |
Haynes, Amy (Mrs) |
Director of Music |
BMus (Surrey), PGCE (Roehampton) |
Heaney, Kade (Mr) |
Criminology and Sociology, Burr Deputy Housemaster |
LLB and PGCE (Manchester Met) |
Hendriks, Caroline (Mrs) |
Mathematics |
BSc (Open University), BEng (Portsmouth) |
Hill, Teuta (Mrs) |
Head of Business Studies |
BA, PGCE (Middlesex) |
Hindley, Mark (Mr) |
Second i/c English |
LLB (UCL), MA (Bristol) |
Howe, Tyrone (Mr) |
Headmaster |
MA (St Andrews), MSt, MBA (Oxford) |
James, Annabel (Miss) |
Geography, Gilson Deputy Housemistress, Acting Head of Girls' Sport |
BSc (Loughborough), PGCE (Oxford) |
Jasper, Peter (Mr) |
Head of Physics |
BSc (Imperial), PGCE (Oxford) |
Jiggens, Keli (Miss) |
Head of Art |
BA (UWE), GTP (Reading) |
Jones, Bob (Mr) |
Welsh Housemaster, Mathematics |
BSc (Cardiff), PGCE (Bangor) |
Jones, Nicola (Miss) |
Head of Theology and Philosophy, Deputy Head Skipwith |
BA, MA (Durham), MA (University of London) |
Jones, Andrew (Mr) |
Orchard Housemaster, Chemistry |
BSc (Liverpool John Moores), PGCE (Reading) |
Jones, Paul (Mr) |
Deputy Head (Academic), Music |
MEd (Buckingham), BA (Durham), GTP (London), AST, MCCT |
Kenyon, Sarah (Miss) |
Science |
MEd (Buckingham), BSc, PGCE (York) |
Khare, Ashok (Dr) |
Head of Chemistry |
BSc, MSc, PhD (Mumbai), DTLLS, PTLLS (City and Guilds), MBA (Reading) |
Krause, Sarah (Mrs) |
Art, Acting Head of Photography, Deputy DSL |
BA (Buckinghamshire Chiltern) |
Lane, Stephanie (Miss) |
Lead for Politics, History, Deputy Head of Lower School |
BA (Royal Holloway), PGCE (Reading) |
Lawson, Grant (Mr) |
Biology, Contingent Commander CCF |
BSc (Swansea), MSc, MPhil (Southampton), PGCE (OU) |
Lovelock, Chloe (Mrs) |
(Maternity Leave) |
BA (Westminster), GTP (West London) |
Mackworth-Praed, Hugh (Mr) |
Mathematics |
BSc (Durham), PGCE (Cambridge) |
Magarinos Rodriguez, Agustina (Miss) |
Physics |
MPhys (Kent), PGCE (OTT, Buckingham) |
Magee, Kate (Ms) |
Lead for Sociology and Criminology |
BSc, MA (Queen's Belfast), MA (Dublin City), PGCE (Thames Valley) |
Milburn, Marcus (Mr) |
Skipwith Housemaster, Head of Media Studies, Deputy DSL |
BA (Glamorgan), PCGE (Reading) |
Morgan, Anna (Mrs) |
Computer Studies (Part-Time) |
Morgan, Ella (Miss) |
Mathematics |
BSc (Exeter) |
Neill, Katie (Mrs) |
Head of PE |
BA, QTS (Brighton) |
Norrington, Kate (Miss) |
Head of BTEC and Vocational Learning |
BA (Cardiff) |
Padrick, Karen (Mrs) |
Design, Engineering and Technology |
MA (London Institute of Education), BEd (University of West of England) |
Parrott, Justine (Mrs) |
Head of Modern Languages and Educational Visits Coordinator |
BA (Essex), PGCE (Oxford Brookes) |
Partridge, Gina (Mrs) |
Learning Development, Deputy Head of Lower School |
BA (Oxford Brookes) |
Pettifer, Charlie (Mr) |
Mathematics |
BSc (Exeter), PGCE (LSBU) |
Platt, Abbie (Miss) |
Art |
BA (Bath Spa), PGCE (Reading) |
Player, Joseph (Mr) |
Head of History, Master of Scholars, Deputy Housemaster of College |
BA, PGCE (Nottingham) |
Povey, Ella (Miss) |
English |
BA (Reading), TESOL (Trinity College London), DipEd (Northern Council), QTLS (SET) |
Ralph, Jonathan (Mr) |
College Housemaster, English |
BA (Aberystwyth), PGCE (UNL) |
Rapple Moore, Louise (Mrs) |
Head of Careers |
BA (Reading) LRSM |
Read, Stuart (Mr) |
Economics |
BA (Leeds), MA (Reading), MA (London School of Theology), PGCE (Sunderland) |
Redrup, Pete (Mr) |
Head of Computer Studies |
BA (Leeds), PGCE (St Martin's College, Lancaster) |
Rousseau, Christel (Dr) |
Physics |
DUT (St Jérôme Aix Marseille), BSc & MSc (Northumbria), PhD (Strathclyde) |
Russell, Sioned (Miss) |
History |
BA (Durham), PGCE (Oxford) |
Satch, Sally (Mrs) |
Design, Engineering and Technology |
Scammell, Toby (Mr) |
English |
BA (Warwick), MA (York), PGCE (London Met) |
Shaw, Sam (Mr) |
Head of Psychology, Assistant Head (Learning and Enrichment) |
BSc, PGCE (Leicester) |
Stewart, Alison (Mrs) |
Geography (Part-Time) |
BA, PGCE (Leeds Met) |
Valim, Lays (Dr) |
Director of Digital Strategy |
BSc and MPhys (Leeds), MRes and PhD (Imperial College London), PGCE (Oxford Brookes) |
Wallace, Patricia (Mrs) |
EAL (Part-Time) |
BA (Dublin), PGCE (London) |
Wheeler, Jamie (Mr) |
Physical Education, Head of Cricket |
BSc (Loughborough) |
Wood, Laura (Miss) |
Learning Development |
QTS (Roehampton, London) |