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Shiplake College News

A New Year at Shiplake College
AssemblyWhole School

Today, on Tuesday 3 September, we welcomed all new, and returning, pupils and members of staff to the College for the first Whole School Assembly of the academic year. For pupils in Years 8, 10, 11 and 13, it was their first day back at College while those in Years 7, 9 and 12 were returning for their second day.  

Yesterday on Monday 2 September, all new pupils in Years 7, 9 and 12 attended an induction day at the College where they met their fellow pupils and teachers, got set up with IT, and attended a carousel of presentations, talks, and activities. For our new Year 7 and Year 9 pupils, their day also including completing a Shiplake milestone – the swim and Shiplake Capsize Test. Emulating the school motto, exemplum docet (the example teachers), the Headmaster demonstrated how to do the capsize test by going first! For our Year 9 pupils, the day concluded with a softball competition out on New Field which was played in good spirits and provided another excellent opportunity for the pupils to get to know each other. A big thank you must also be said to our Year 13 Prefects and Chapel Wardens who helped throughout the day with tours, meeting and greeting, and running activities.  

As it stands today, the College is delighted to say that it has 544 pupils on roll and in his Assembly address to the pupil body, the Headmaster, Mr Howe, set out his expectations for all pupils at the start of the academic year. Now entering his sixth year at the helm of the College, Mr Howe reaffirmed the importance of the College’s values – the three Is – Inclusive, Individual, and Inspirational. 

Mr Howe then introduced the new members of teaching staff – Miss Agustina Magarinos Rodriquez, Mrs Amy Haynes, Revd Becky Medlicott, Mr Conor Crowe, Miss Ella Povey, Mr Eoin Canning, Miss Jemima Brett, Mr Marky Hindley, and Mr Toby Scammell – there will be a separate welcome news article with further information about them!  

Deputy Head (Academic), Mr Jones also addressed the College with a reminder of the College's routines for learning and the timetable format and we heard from our new ‘Rev’ - Reverend Medlicott - who introduced herself to the College body.  

The Assembly concluded with the College joining together to sing In Christ Alone before a new academic year began at Shiplake College. 

Flickr album: Whole College Assembly, 3 September 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin