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Exemplum Docet Society

Shiplake's Scholars form part of The Exemplum Docet Society (named after the school motto, meaning 'the example teaches'). The society is run by Master of Scholars, Mr Joe Player.

Scholarships and exhibitions are merit-based awards designed to reward excellence and celebrate and nurture exceptional talent. Scholarships are offered to pupils who demonstrate outstanding academic, sporting or artistic ability. The progress of scholars is closely monitored and they are expected to maintain an exemplary level of behaviour and commitment to their studies, as well as contributing actively to their field of scholarship.

Our scholars are identified around school by scholars’ badges and will receive additional enhancement and enrichment opportunities in their field of scholarship, such as trips, speakers and access to competitions.

Applying For A Scholarship

Generally, scholarships are available for pupils applying for all three of the major entry points, and you will find information about the criteria and application process for each on the College's Scholarships Admissions Page. Scholarships are also available to internal candidates moving into Years 9 and 12, and Shiplake pupils considering applying should discuss this with the appropriate head of department for advice and endorsement and we will also review a pupil’s behaviour record when considering them for an award.

Meet the Head Scholars

William Harper (Rowing)

What opportunities are there for Scholars? 

Scholars at Shiplake have a wide range of opportunities to explore not only their own fields of interest but also new areas. This is best exemplified by the scholar Masterclasses, which have significantly expanded my thinking. These sessions allow me to deepen my understanding of subjects I may not have previously considered. For example, a talk on biomedical engineering inspired me to explore it as a potential field of study for university. These Masterclasses help broaden our perspectives and enrich the overall academic experience at Shiplake. 

What has been your favourite part of being a Scholar? 

The opportunities I’ve received as a scholar, particularly in rowing, have been incredible. I came to Shiplake with a passion for rowing and a goal to compete at the highest level. However, I could never have imagined that within just a year, I would become a Henley Royal Regatta finalist and a World Champion. My favourite part of being a scholar is how it provides the opportunity to push yourself and become the best version of who you are. 

What do you think a Scholar should be doing at Shiplake College? 

A scholar at Shiplake should be someone who is curious, eager to learn, and ready to dive into any task with enthusiasm. Scholars are often seen as leaders within the school, serving as role models not only in their fields of interest but across the entire community. I believe this is a responsibility to be embraced with pride, setting an example of excellence for others to follow. 

Tell us about a teacher or coach at Shiplake who has really helped you? 

My rowing coach, Mr Mackworth-Praed, has been a driving force for me from day one. He’s not only a coach but also a father figure within the boat club, someone everyone respects and looks up to. He genuinely wants the best for each athlete and has consistently pushed me to reach my potential, even during tough times. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his guidance and support. 

What are your hopes for the future after Shiplake College? 

I am hoping to attend university in the United States to pursue my education and rowing further. My dream ever since I was little was to win an Olympic gold and I hope to pursue that. 

Tell us about a fun fact about yourself! 

I have built three of the four biggest Lego sets ever created

Sophie Woodeson (Art)

What opportunities are there for Scholars?

Here at Shiplake there are many opportunities for all the scholars including a huge enrichment of Masterclasses discussing a wide range of topics covering all the courses studied at Shiplake and beyond.

What has been your favourite part of being a Scholar?

My favourite aspect of being an art scholar at Shiplake was the trip down to Bournemouth with all of the other art scholars from all year groups. We went to the beach for the day and experimented with many different mediums creating the sea scape in front of us. Of course, I can't forget the obligatory fish and chips as well.

What do you think a Scholar should be doing at Shiplake College?

Being a scholar at Shiplake is an honour and with that I believe that all scholars should be trying their best to not only help their subject area, but be an all round role model for other students.

Tell us about a teacher or coach at Shiplake who has really helped you?

Miss Jiggens in particular has really helped me throughout the year not only in improving on my artwork, but with challenging myself to go outside of my comfort zone.

What are your hopes for the future after Shiplake College?

I am hopping to go to university to study interior design. However before this, I would really love to take a gap year to allow for me to travel and complete a ski season within that time.