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Shiplake College News

A Day of Art in London
Trips & VisitsArt

On Thursday 13 October, art pupils in Years 11, 12, and 13 descended on The Tate Modern Gallery in London - a trip that is crucial to those doing art coursework this year, as well as in future years. The trip was the perfect opportunity to provide inspiration to the College's group of artists.

The pupils were grouped according to their art interests, which included fashion, surrealism, creatures, and architecture and urban. The latter resulted in a group of students being taken out onto the streets of London for a guided tour of the area. It also provided them with the opportunity to take many photographs of London's diverse range of architecture, which would then be later used as inspiration for future work and analysis.

With Miss Abbie Platt providing a guided tour as the bus approached the centre of London, there were already plenty of opportunities for the pupils to immerse themselves in art and architecture, and were frequently encouraged to take pictures of their surroundings from the bus, as well as during the walk to the gallery.  

One of the pupils on the trip was Year 13 Art Scholar, P Sanderson, who wrote the following: 

"On Thursday 13 November, Year 11, 12 and 13 art students embarked on a trip to London to visit the Tate Modern. After a two-hour coach ride, we arrived in London, and then walked to the Tate Modern. During the coach ride, there were many opportunities for us to take photographs of buildings, especially for the theme of architecture.

We had time to walk around the Tate and view the artwork before lunch. The art I saw was vastly different to the type of art that I usually create, which is more detailed portraiture, and so the gallery showed me a wider range of art styles, especially those in the style of minimalism.

We all did a few sketches of selected pieces of artwork and took pictures of inspiring work, in addition to the information plinths about the piece for reference. Year 11 and 12 will use these observational sketches to create Tate Modern pages in their sketchbook to reflect on this experience.

For lunch, the Sixth Form pupils were treated with lunch at Wagamama, though we did have to pay for it ourselves! After lunch, we returned to the Tate Modern and went to the gift shop to buy postcards and other items of personal preference. We then walked back to the coach and arrived back at Shiplake at 5.30pm. We all really enjoyed the trip and are looking forward to the Art Department's Venice Trip in March 2023!"

Head of Art, Miss Keli Jiggens, who was also present on the trip added, "the students were excellent role models for the school. It was a great fun-filled trip with some amazing art - The Tate Modern never disappoints! My favourite piece was a hanging fabric installation in Turbine Hall."

We're sure that everyone who went on the trip was inspired by the selection on display. Even if the art in the gallery is not necessarily to the taste of the viewer, it is still always good to see other forms, and gain different perspectives. 

With thanks to Miss Jiggens, Miss Platt, Mrs Goulden, Mrs Brooks, and Revd Briggs, who all went on the trip, we look forward to seeing the Art Department's next trip to Venice next year!

Flickr album: Tate Modern Art Trip | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin