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Shiplake College News

Sports Report 23 January 2024
Sports Report

With many of the boys' football fixtures being cancelled due to the poor weather conditions, only our U13s managed to take to the pitch for their games against Cranford House. Meanwhile, our senior girls' netball teams got their respective campaigns underway and our U12 girls continued their fine run of form on the netball court. Our U18 basketball team got their top group league campaign underway and, at long last, our rowers took to the river at the Quinton Head in London. 


U18 vs Reading School 

The U18s’ performance last term earned them a spot in the top group of the local schools' league, but this meant there was no easing back into the season. The team faced the undefeated Reading School team on Tuesday, and although they played admirably, even beating the Reading side in the second quarter, Shiplake were unable to secure the win at home. 

The first quarter went back and forth, and good defence from both teams kept the score quite low: 8-11 to Reading by the end of the period. Scoring picked up for Shiplake in quarter two, with the home side ending the half up 22-15. C Carey scored 9 of the team's 14 points in this quarter.  

A reinvigorated Reading side snatched the game back in the third quarter, with the period ending 31-26 to Reading. Shiplake tried to get offensive momentum in the fourth quarter, and although a couple of threes from C Carey and K O'Connor helped to close the gap, Reading came out on top at the buzzer: 45-34 

The team can be proud of how they played, especially against a well-practiced team including a Reading Rockets player. The team will now begin to work on set plays in training to bring their game to the next level, as the new standard of play in their group demands. 

Coach: Mr Cartwright 


U13A vs Cranford School 

The first quarter of the game against Cranford House appeared to be an evenly matched affair as both sides settled. Cranford's stronger players then started to show their ability, with Shiplake struggling to clear any danger effectively or keep possession for decent amounts of time. In the second half, Cranford's midfield had time and found space easily. Without 3 'soft' goals gifted to Cranford, the score would have been closer, but the final score was 6-0 to Cranford.  

Shiplake's Player of the Match was G Huckle who did his utmost to stem further Cranford attacks. The squad did not let their heads drop though, remained upbeat, and know to work hard in training for improvement. 

Player of the Match: G Huckle 
Coach: Mr Dix 

U13B vs Cranford School 

Despite some good possession in the opening minutes, Cranford took the lead through a breakaway goal. Shiplake started to push forward with some threatening runs from W Webb, but it was L Baux who found space in the box to level the scores. Minutes later, O Thorpe hit the post from what looked like a cross, but the wonder goal came just before the half time whistle when O Gilbart-Smith struck the ball from outside the area over the defenders and straight into the top corner.  

The second half was one way traffic from Shiplake who were enjoying their afternoon. L Baux and O Gilbart-Smith both got their 2nd goals with A Palmer and S Vedhara also finding the back of the net.  

Final score: Shiplake College 6-1 Canford School  
Player of the Match: O Gilbart-Smith 
Coach: Mr Gower 


U18A vs Leighton Park 

On Wednesday 17 January, Shiplake’s U18As played their first match of the season against Leighton Park. With Leighton Park winning the first centre pass, Shiplake fought back to regain possession, resulting in us being up 12-7 after the first quarter. However, during the second quarter, Leighton Park managed to pull it back therefore resulting in the scores being tied after the second and third quarter. This did not change Shiplake’s morale in the slightest. With O Parkin and T Gillard's dynamic movement down the court, alongside some brilliant defence from S Pendlebury and S Ferguson, Shiplake turned over lots of balls resulting in a strong 39-35 win. A brilliant but tough match to start this netball season. Well played everyone! Player of the Match went to T Gillard, Coach’s Player went to A Botterill and Players’ Player went to G Weedon. 

Report: A Botterill, U18A Netball Captain 
Coach: Mrs Lovelock 

U18A vs Pangbourne College 

Early on Saturday 20 January, Shiplake’s U18A netball team travelled for an away fixture against Pangbourne. Having never played Pangbourne before, nerves were high however, when we stepped on court, all the girls meant business.  

From the first quarter to the last, our attack stayed on point and our defence dominated. Some phenomenal tips and deflections were made by L Cheek and F Lenthall and on top of this, there was some dynamic attacks down the court with O Parkin working the ball into C Baxter to keep the score ticking over. All the girls left the court with a smile on their faces, and we managed to walk away with a strong win of 49-16! Player of the Match went A Botterill, Players’ Player went to G Weedon, and Coach’s Player went to O Parkin

Report: A Botterill, U18A Netball Captain 
Coach: Mrs Lovelock 

U18B vs Salesian College 

On Wednesday 17 January, Shiplake’s U18B team played a league match against Salesian. Shiplake started with the first ball and got off to a great start. However, Salesian gained the upper hand, which pushed Shiplake to keep up the high spirits and determination. With great shooting from E O’Neill and L Schoenmakers, Shiplake were able to start a comeback. After a good team talk at half-time, the team was raring to go. With great passing from E Bell and E Morris, Shiplake played an amazing last quarter, winning it on points. Unfortunately, even with intense defence from L Price and G Wyndham-Smith who deflected many shots, Salesian took the win 16-8. Player of the Match went to R Acton, Coach’s Player went to E Morris and Players’ Player went to L Schoenmakers. 

Report: R Acton, U18B Netball Captain 
Coach: Miss James 

U18B vs Pangbourne College 

On Saturday 20 January, Shiplake’s U18Bs took on Pangbourne College. With the first ball going to Shiplake, we were off to strong start and spirits were high as the team was winning. With amazing shooting from E O’Neill and M Spooner, Shiplake quickly gained many points. With support from defenders L Price and G Wyndham-Smith who blocked many shots, Shiplake were heading for the win.  

After a halftime team talk the team was eager to get back on. By the final quarter Shiplake began to lose energy, but with fantastic passes and interceptions from D Knight, Shiplake took the win with an amazing score of 23-14.  

Player of the Match went to F Short for incredible defence, Players’ Player to E O'Neill and Coach’s Player to L Price

Report: R Acton, U18B Netball Captain 
Coach: Miss James 

U18C vs Claires Court 

On Wednesday 17 January, Shiplake’s U18C team played their first match of the season against Claires Court. With Claires Court winning the first centre pass, Shiplake were keen to win the ball back. In the first quarter, Claires Court managed to score the first goal putting them at an advantage, however Shiplake remained positive.  

Shortly into the second quarter Shiplake scored their first goal through B Sauboua. Shiplake began to make the score even with many shots on goal from S Hodges and help from the defensive duo of M Rider and M Waller, who helped keep the ball out of the opposition's third. The game ended with a score of 22-8 to Claires Court. Despite the loss, the team remain motivated for their next game.  

Player of the Match went to B Sauboua, Players’ Player went to M Rider, and Coach's Player went to M Waller. 

Report: E Flower, U18C Netball Captain 
Coach: Mrs Rojas 

U12s vs Claires Court & Sherfield School 

The U12s have had an awesome sporting week with many netball match wins and amongst all the results, the U12A team remain undefeated! On Tuesday 17 January the U12A and U12B teams played Claires Court, with the B team narrowly losing 8–10 and the A team winning 9-5. Player of the Match for the A team was L Hourd

On Wednesday 17 January, the A and B teams played away at Sherfield. Sherfield fielded 4 teams that rotated into their A and B teams, but none of them were able to defeat any of our Shiplake teams. Final scores were: 

  • Shiplake College A 24-0 Sherfield School A 
  • Shiplake College B 16-0 Sherfield School B 

Players of the Matches were D Crisford for the U12As and A May for the U12Bs 

Rowing – Quintin Head 

On Saturday 17 January, our U18 and U16 rowers competed at the Quintin Head in London. The races were held over a 4.4km course and there were strong performances all round. 

In the J18 category, our boys finished 6th out of 29 crews. In the J16, our boys finished 5th out of 14. In the JW18 category, our girls saw their 1st place finish get demoted following a 10-second penalty. They went on to place 3rd out of 24 crews. 


Make sure you check out the Sports Report gallery below! There are also individual galleries for the U18 basketball, U18A netball, and U12A netball fixtures.

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