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Shiplake College News

Artists Hit The Beach

On Friday 21 June, 16 of our art pupils from Years 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 travelled to Bournemouth for an art-filled day trip. Head of Art, Miss Jiggens, writes the following: 

'It was a super trip to Bournemouth with talented artists from across the College. We all got on the train together and the students had some drawing tasks to do on the train where they looked at perspective and details. Once we arrived in Bournemouth, we had a quick bus journey to Bournemouth Pier where we started the day off with an ice cream on the beach! Once the ice-creams were finished, the students were given more drawing tasks starting with panoramic seascape watercolour painting. We then headed off to the Harry Ramsden Fish and Chips restaurant where all the students sat together chatting and enjoying each other's company.  

During the afternoon, we went to the Russell Cotes Art Gallery, which was outstanding (if you haven't been I highly recommend it). It is set right on the sea front with the most incredible views of Bournemouth Pier. The students explored the many rooms and took on the challenge of drawing their favourite piece of artwork or artefact. Each room had a different theme from around the world and in the main gallery, there was a pianist playing while the students were viewing and drawing the artwork - wow!  

We then got the train home after a very productive and wonderful day at the seaside. Some students carried on drawing and painting on the way home too which was lovely to see. My favourite part of the trip was seeing all the pupils from all the year groups working together and enjoying each other's company as likeminded artists who all share a love of art.'

Flickr album: Art Scholars Trip, Bournemouth June 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin