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Shiplake College News

Final Assembly 2024

The final Whole School Assembly of the academic year was held in the Prize Giving Marquee on Tuesday 2 July - the penultimate day of term. It provided the opportunity to recognise those pupils who have achieved academically, and in the arts and sport this year. 

There were a number of awards including colours, commendations and blazers which were handed out to pupils across the College. For the senior pupils, it was a great way to draw to a close their time at Shiplake while for the younger pupils, many of them will be inspired by what can be achieved.  

Academic Awards

Engagement with Learning Prizes 

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
T Lawrence Joe Filippetto Luke Leamon Will Griffith Isaac Powell Madeleine Spooner Amelie Parker
Archie Humphreys Florian Jenkins Lucien Dabrowski  Alex Babic George Blumfield Kits Tanner Sabine Bathe-Taylor 

Accelerated Reader Award 

Congratulations to K Pivonka (Year 7), F Woodland (Year 8), and Edward Murphy (Year9) who were the pupils with the highest wordcount in each year group!

Bevan Trophy 

This has been calculated by the average number of academic excellence points per pupil, per House. Congratulations to Skipwith House for receiving the greatest number of points. 

Position House Points Per Pupil
1 Skipwith 43
2 Orchard 38
3 Burr 36
4 Everett 32
5 Welsh 30

Graham Vick Trophy 

The Graham Vick Award is for the Lower School Team with the highest number of Excellence Points. Congratulations to Titans for receiving the greatest number of points.

Position House Total Points Per Academic Term
1 Titans 2413
2 Spartans 2384
3 Olympians 2324

Arts Awards 


A blazer was awarded to Year 13 pupil Noah Scotchbrook for outstanding achievement and contribution to music. 

Full Colours was awarded to Felix Collar.

Commendations were awarded to the following pupils for showing outstanding commitment, improvement or high level of performance: 

Lower School Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Sixth Form
Rory Collar Luke Leamon William Griffith Elliot Jones Will Bethell
Luella Hall Johnny Pearson Jack Dag Seb Crehan-Mills Ava Pearson
Lili Baietta   Axel Crane   Grace McKean
T Lawrence   Ben Woodbridge   J Vivian
Eli Evans   G Wackerle   Izzy Young
Arabella May   Sena Hughes   Poppy Parsons
    Thomas Rowe    
    Max Marson-Day    

Art and Photography 

In photography, blazers were awarded to Jasper Cullen and Zachary Wilson. In art, these were awarded to Poppy Parsons and Sam Thornber.

Full Colours in art were awarded to Dan Coles, Emily Downing, Sabine Bathe-Taylor, A Merritt, Sophie Woodeson, and I Davenport-Thomas. In photography, they were awarded to Emily Morris, Ewan Pratt, M Hordern, and Samuel Chambers. 

Commendations were awarded to the following pupils: 

Lower School Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Sixth Form
Millie Green  J Pickering  Milton Wong  Alex Kami Hawkings P Hart 
Mo Britton  Alex Bowater-Rubio  Aiden Wise Evan Greenway  M Li 
Liam Ellison  R Stewart  Sam Gibson  Kit Marsh  Rory Howard 
    A Dodwell  R Wang  I Syms 
        Patrick White 
        Warren Greaves (Photography)
        Sophie Hodges (Photography)
        Sophie Woodeson (Photography)


Blazers were awarded to Alec Veitch and Darcey Knight.

Full colours were awarded to Tom O'Brien, Felix Collar, and James Lucking.

Commendations were awarded to the following pupils: 

Lower School Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
Liam Ellison Albie Ball Jack Dag Sam Gallagher
L Waldegrave Archie Parmar Will Griffith Jack Toker
Danny Petrov   George Watson Evan Greenway
Felix Greenway   Archie Prosser  
Emily Bryan   Harry Maher  
    G Knight  
    James Middlehurst  

Nielson Trophy 2023 

The winners of the Neilson Trophy for the Arts - which is for all the Inter-House arts events from across the year - was won by Burr House


Cricket Awards 

1st XI  

  • Player of the Season - Louis Crerar
  • Most Improved - Charlie Nash-Steer
  • Birch Award for Best Batting Performance - Hamish Arnold
  • Birch Award for Best Bowling Performance - Evan Thomas

Colours were awarded to Jacob Hinton, Charlie Nash-Steer, Louis Crerar, Evan Thomas, Joe Cooper, Dexter Elliott, and Will Forster. 

2nd XI  

  • Player of the Season - Charlie Kerrison
  • Most Improved - Ben Zacharias

Colours were awarded to Jake Scotchbrook, Joe Biggin, Ben Zacharias, Charlie Kerrison, Hugo Simmons, and Max Gardiner. 


  • Player of the Season - Sammy Gibson
  • Most Improved - S Lingard

Colours were awarded to Rory O'Boyle, S Lingard, Harrison Terrington, and Sammy Gibson.


  • Player of the Season - Sam Baker
  • Most Improved - Jack Henshall


  • Player of the Season - Jacob Andrews  
  • Most Improved - Zac Sanders

Colours were awarded to Jacob Andrews, Josh Ellison, and Charlie Cooper


  • Player of the Season - Ollie Woodward
  • Most Improved - J Pickering

Lower School 1st XI  

  • Players of the Season - L Waldegrave and Timothy Jackson
  • Most Improved - Will Hunt  

Tennis Awards 

Tennis Colours were awarded to the following pupils: 

Lower School Colts Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
Polina Brown Zac Fisher Finn Baikie Tirnan Gillard Alex Langton
Archie Humphreys William Smith Ben Hubbard Dillon Higgins Josh Greig-Bartram
  R Pathak      
  William Fisher       

Girls’ Cricket and Rounders Awards 

Colours were awarded to: 

  • Amelia Flower (Year 12)
  • Lily Cheek (Year 13)
  • Darcey Knight (Year 13)
  • Abi Botterill (Year 13)
  • Flo Lenthall (Year 13)
  • Evie Bell (Year 13)

Players of the Season went to Amelia Flower, G Wyndham-Smith, and Emily Morris.


For outstanding contribution to Shiplake sport over their time here.  

  • Will Forster, Cricket
  • Evan Thomas, Cricket
  • Dexter Elliott, Cricket
  • Joe Cooper, Football
  • Hugo Palmer-Garrett, Football 
  • Olivia Parkin, Hockey and Netball
  • Abi Botterill, Netball
  • Florence Lenthall, Netball and Football
  • Grace Weedon, Girls' Sport
  • Oliver Joiner, Rowing
  • Amelia Westbrook, Rowing
  • Katie Proudlove, Rowing
  • Amelie Parker, Rowing
  • Ben Zacharias, Rugby
  • Will Diver, Rugby
  • Alex Langton, Rugby
  • Noah Sennhauser, Tennis

Baldry Cup 2023 

The winner of the Baldry Trophy is calculated from all the Inter-House Sports events from across the year. Larger whole school and mass participation events carry more points. The results from that morning's athletics competition were included. Congratulations to Orchard House for taking the win and defending their title from last year!

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