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Shiplake College News

A Working Week

Year 12 pupils spent a week at the end of the summer term doing work experience with a wide range of companies from different industries and sectors. From financial services, hospitality and retail to technology, education, and sports-based businesses, the pupils all found suitable and worthwhile placements. 

Head of Careers, Mrs Rapple Moore, writes: 

‘We are always very pleased to offer our Year 12 pupils the opportunity to undertake a week of work experience towards the end of the summer term each year. Work experience is really vital for young people, both from a personal development point of view and also as something that will enhance their CVs and personal statements.  

Our pupils will have learned more than they realise from their week in the workplace, from understanding more about how the world of work operates to realising the importance of being able to take direction and being proactive, punctual, polite and independent.  

We have received some excellent feedback, both from their employers and from the pupils themselves, who really enjoyed their placements.’ 

One of our Year 12 pupils, Oscar Morris, undertook his work experience at Polar Media House. He writes: 

‘On Friday 14 June, I was kindly invited to work with Conor and Brad at their content creation agency, Polar Media House. The Work Experience was very fascinating, and I really enjoyed being part of and observing how a photography team works to achieve different effects. Throughout the day, I worked with three people doing various kinds of photography - photography using a drone, video photography, and photo camera photography. It was interesting and helpful learning from experienced and talented photographers. Something new I learned about during the experience was a setting called HDR when you take a photo. This is where an HDR image is usually obtained by capturing three images of the same scene, each at different shutter speeds. The result is a bright, medium, and dark image, based on the amount of light that gets through the lens. I thought this was very interesting and something I will definitely consider in my photography going forward. I thought the day went successfully and the whole process was very enjoyable.  

Thank you so much to Conor for allowing me to shadow the project and to the company for having me on the day.’ 

It was wonderful to read so much positive feedback from those overseeing the placements. Our Shiplake pupils made positive impressions on everyone they met and demonstrated good work ethics, a willingness to learn, and excellent attitudes. Here are just a few of the comments received: 

He was enthusiastic and seemed genuinely interested in learning more about what we do. And when finishing a task, he would immediately ask if there was anything else he could do, rather than wait for us to suggest something. 

Seb was excellent. He was genuinely interested and asked sensible and curious questions. I could definitely see he was there to learn and had a plan for the next steps after school, which was impressive. 

Scarlett was punctual and eager to learn the role of a fit coach and Personal Trainer at gym. She was very comfortable in this working environment. She got on really well with her colleagues and instantly built a good rapport with the team. She followed and showed an excellent work ethic in helping her colleagues. She participated in group exercise classes, gym training and completed maintenance and cleaning tasks. 

Great attitude to work and got involved in every element of the work experience. Really friendly with people in the office, asking lots of questions. Very attentive and was lots of relevant questions which showed her paying attention and willingness to learn. Maddy engaged well in various training talks from key team members and the tasks were completed with great enthusiasm. 

Will was quick to learn and grasp concepts and the questions he asked were insightful. He worked solidly on the tasks given. He was assigned training, joined a business meeting onsite and several online Teams (training & sales) Meetings. He was then given various tasks on CRM as well as data input and worked thoroughly through this. 

Ollie was great with the older children and very helpful for the teachers. He was appropriate with his dress, language and bridged the gap between teenager and adult in school. He voluntarily helped out at after school club as well. He chose to stay with the same class all week as he felt he knew them. 

Stanley has demonstrated a good work ethic and shown a willingness to learn.  During his week here he has worked with different members of the surveying team and all have commended his positive attitude and approach to the tasks that he has been given. 

James made a lot of effort to make connections with other colleagues in the marketing team. He was very polite, conversational and took interest in what other team members were doing in their role. This was particularly challenging in the week leading up to the British Grand Prix, a time in the company that is very fast paced and sometimes stressful. James had a great attitude to work throughout and completed every task given to him with a lot of consideration and effort. 

Rebecca forged good relationships with everyone she encountered.  She came to us during a particularly busy week and demonstrated great independence and initiative in terms of getting herself to the right place on time and being prepared to join in with whatever was required of her.

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