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Shiplake College News

A Conversation With...Henry Benton

Ahead of the 1st XV rugby team taking on AGS in our highly-anticipated Davies Shield Match (Wednesday 16 October), we sat down with Captain of Rugby, Henry Benton, for today's 'A Conversation With...' feature! 

When did you join the College and what subjects are you studying? 

I joined the college back in Year 7, and I've been at the school ever since. I'm currently studying A-level art, CTEC business and PE. 

How are you all feeling about the upcoming Davies Shield match? 

I'm definitely looking forward to it. I think it will be a great learning experience for the new players coming in - the Year 11s and the new Year 12s - because they've never experienced and event like this when you’re playing in front of the whole school. It will be great for them just to experience what I've previously experienced. And if we play like how we played in our previous match in the second half, which was phenomenal, I'll be very pleased.  

What are your predictions for the big game? 

Looking at our scores this season, I think we're a better squad in general technically, but I've heard that AGS are going to be better. So, I think both teams will be stronger and will score a lot of tries. I do believe we'll get the win – I'm always going to back my boys - but I believe that it’ll be closer. 

How does it feel playing in front of the school? 

It’s quite a big difference and you don’t really realise until you actually start playing. Walking onto the pitch, you obviously have the tunnel formed by the Sixth Form clapping you on and that’s amazing - the experience of running onto the pitch, the adrenaline rush; it’s all amazing. But once you get on the pitch, once you're in that team huddle, everything else blanks out. You forget about the sideline, you forget about everything, and until something like a try happens or there’s a stoppage in play, you don't actually realise how many people are watching you. But it is an amazing experience. 

How has rugby for you changed during your time at the College? 

I've played A team rugby from Year 7 all the way to Year 13, and I've always loved it. I would say from a young age that it has been quite a strong sport for me. Throughout my years playing, we had quite a lot of people who played for a club but as I got older, less and less played. But then when Mr Edwards came in, he really put his foot down on the rugby program and has done an amazing job. There are so many more teams coming out to play and I really believe that the 1st team is going to experience a lot of growth over the next couple of years. I'm really glad to be part of the first two years of that whole program. 

Swimming was a big part of your life for a while, is that still something you do?

No not anymore. I competed in the English Nationals and came 4th but then I got injured. My rib came out of place so I couldn't do any sports, especially swimming where there is so much movement with the breathing. I had to sit around for about two to three months doing nothing before I could do light exercise again. And when I went back to swimming, I didn't enjoy it and didn’t want to do it anymore. But I achieved what I wanted to achieve so I decided to focus solely on rugby.  

What are your most memorable moments at the College? 

My most memorable moments are with my grandad, and I think Mr Crisford will also back me on this. He was always the loudest parent on the side of the pitch. The loudest to the point where Mr Crisford was telling him off! But he would always bring us food after matches as well like sweets. This was all the way back in Years 7 and 8 but I won't forget moments like that. 

Outside of rugby, I would say my first ever ski trip. It was the first trip I ever went abroad with the school and my whole friend group went. I just remember it being a week full of laughs and joy which was amazing. The skiing wasn't really the main part; obviously, there was skiing but the experience of going away for the first time with my friend group to another country was brilliant. 

What are your post-Shiplake plans? 

I'm looking at going to university to study banking and finance. The choices that I'm looking at mainly at the moment are Durham, Bath, and Southampton. They’re also good for rugby because obviously I will want to start looking at playing university rugby as well. But I think I’ll go towards the more social side of rugby for the pure enjoyment of it. My brother does that as well with Cardiff University and he loves it.  


The Davies Shield match between Shiplake College and Aylesbury Grammar School will take place on Wednesday 16 October, kick-off at 2.30pm, and all are welcome to attend. If you are planning on attending to support our 1st XV as well, please fill out this form so we can plan logistics for the afternoon. Parents, Old Vikings, and both sets of players are invited to stay for a post-match meal under the Stretch Tent.