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Shiplake College News

Leading the Way!
Duke of Edinburgh

We are delighted to announce that we have two pupils completing the Young Leaders Awards with the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This is the first time ever that the College has pupils doing this award. 

Year 12 pupils – Kitty Calow and Thomas Lane – will be getting involved with an exciting opportunity to take a leading role in promoting, guiding, and mentoring DofE participants at Shiplake. They will be working alongside the College’s DofE Lead – Mrs Hanlon – on activities to support our participants achieve their awards. 

The Young Leaders Award can count as a volunteering section activity and during their time as a Young Leader, Kitty and Thomas will develop mentoring and leadership skills, as well as have the opportunity to enhance their CV! 

Every centre and Young Leader will take on different roles but some of the activities that our new Young Leaders could get involved with include: 

  • running a presentation evening for prospective and current DofE participants 
  • helping with promotional events for Year 9 pupils 
  • supporting participants with choosing activities for their sections 
  • helping participants upload evidence to eDofE 
  • helping with expeditions 

Duke of Edinburgh Manager and Head of Outdoor Education, Mrs Hanlon, says: 

‘We are very excited to have our first cohort of young leaders embarking on the Young Leader Award. These pupils will have the fantastic opportunity to develop a number of critical skills such as resilience, teamwork, and leadership as they work towards achieving this prestigious award. The skills will also aid them beyond the programme and in their future aspirations and we are looking forward to seeing them get stuck in!’