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Shiplake College News

A Festival for Careers

On Tuesday 11 February, the whole of Year 12 attended the National Apprenticeship Show and University Fest at Sandown Park, Surrey. There was a wealth of employers there and although it was billed as an apprenticeship show, our Head of Careers - Mrs Rapple Moore - saw it more as an opportunity for pupils to talk with employers in all sorts of different industries than just for pupils interested in apprenticeships.  

The event showcases all levels of apprenticeships, from entry level all the way through to Higher and Degree. This offers visitors the opportunity to engage with each region’s top employers, colleges, universities, and training providers in a face-to-face, interactive environment. 

The pupils gave good feedback about the trip and enjoyed the opportunity, not least because the employers were very generous with their branded freebies!  

Employers who were represented at the event included the Army and RAF, the Metropolitan Police, British Airways, Honeywell, Martin Baker, Mercedes Benz, Pfizer, Legal 500 Future Lawyers, Royal Mail, UK Power Networks, Costain Group, the Government Facilities Services and the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW) among many others.  

Universities that were represented included Royal Holloway, Swansea, BIMM, the Fashion Retail Academy, City St George's, Essex and the University of Law.  

There really was something for everyone. The pupils were engaged, interested, well-behaved and a credit to Shiplake.