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Shiplake College News

Academic Awards and Notices

In this week’s Whole School Assembly, Monday 24 February, Deputy Head (Academic) Mr Jones, had two academic notices to share with pupils. An update on the College’s progress towards being an accredited Thinking School, and the opportunity to recognise many of our pupils’ academic effort. 

Thinking School Update 

At the start of the academic year, Mr Jones told pupils that Shiplake is part of the global Think Schools network and is working towards becoming an accredited Thinking School. This means that the College is trying to create a culture of thinking, using a set of common tools, and a common language related to learning and thinking.  

Mr Jones provided a reminder about what is a Thinking School and some of the benefits involved. He spoke about what has been covered so far including brain training and the work that has been going on during tutor time. He also spoke about the College’s Thinking Frames which are visual tools to develop pupils’ thinking and finally, he introduced the refreshed Shiplake Seven – the common language which represents the habits of the most successful learners and the habits we would like our pupils to develop. One of the Seven is being reflective, and Mr Jones challenged all pupils to be reflective – something that is particularly important to our exam year groups – ahead of this important half-term. 

Academic Engagement Awards 

Before the half-term break, pupils in Years 10 to 13 received a Progress Review. In Assembly, Mr Jones again highlighted the Engagement with Learning scores which is pupils’ academic effort and has nothing to do with grades or academic potential.  

Pupils were recognised in Assembly and certificates are on their way to them. Congratulations to the following: 

Year 10 

  • Joshua Ellison 
  • Z Miles 
  • Miles Vann 
  • Nathan Wong 
  • Oliver Griffin 

Year 11 

  • Charles Scott 
  • Matthew Perry 
  • Alexander Babic 
  • William Huckle 
  • Zac Fisher 
  • William Griffith 

Year 12 

  • George Blumfield 
  • Alice Godfrey 
  • Fred Coultas 
  • Kit Marsh 
  • Charles Zhou 

Year 13 

  • I Davenport-Thomas 
  • Imogen Davies-Shearing 
  • Edward Galer 
  • James Lucking 
  • Alfie Malcolm 
  • Emily O’Neill 
  • Kits Tanner 
  • S Woodeson